MAI and PACUNAM join forces to protect Maya Biosphere

On March 26, 2012 MAI and PACUNAM signed an agreement to join efforts in gathering support and executing projects for the protection of wildlife and cultural resources in the Maya Biosphere Reserve of Guatemala. PACUNAM (Fundacion Patrimonio Cultural y Natural Maya – is the most prominent Guatemalan NGO working to foster the sustainable development of archaeological sites and their unique tropical forest in northern Guatemala for the benefit of local communities. Pacunam’s recent project have been focused on the Carmelita community and Mirador region of northern Peten. With the new agreement, both MAI and Pacunam, two organization with common vision and goals, will expand their focus to inlcude new sites and increase fundraising opportunities in Guatemala and abroad. This partnership will undoutedtly result in many benefits for the protection of Guatemalan cultural and natural resources and for improving the quality of life of local communities.